Did you know that... in 2023, 17 students from the DEIC defended their doctoral thesis?
In the calendar year 2023, 17 students from the PhD in Computer Science and Engineering (DEIC) defended their doctoral thesis. Congratulations to the new PhDs in Computer Science and Engineering! 🙂
DEI was the department with the doctoral program with the highest number of theses defended in 2023.
The list of students (now PhDs) and the PhD topic presented is as follows:
- Ali Kordia, "Motor Primitives for Humam-Robot Interaction in Complex Manipulation Tasks";
- David António Cóias Calhas, “EEG to fMRI Synthesis”;
- Diogo da Fonseca Caetano Rato, “Procedurally Generated Societies”;
- Eugénio Alves Ribeiro, “Towards Artificial Entities that Learn Through Dialog: Intention-Based Knowledge Extraction and Learning”;
- João Manuel Fernandes Cardoso, "Addressing Research data Management with Semantic Technology";
- João Miguel Cordeiro Monteiro, “Deep Learning for Geospatial Data Disaggregation”;
- João Pedro Lebre Magalhães Pereira, “Towards Effective and Effortless Data Cleaning: from Automatic Approaches to User Involvement”;
- José Miguel Santos Ribeiro, “Sensing and Community Crowd Sensing using Passive Wi-Fi”;
- Manuel Castro Guerra Moreira Guimarães, “Towards the Next Generation of Socially Intelligent Agents”;
- Marco André Gonçalves Pinheiro, “SHORT-TERM ELECTRIC LOAD FORECASTING”;
- Maria José Rodrigues Ferreira, "Learn biodiversity using local stories to power up storytelling behaviours in social robots";
- Miguel Afonso Tomás Faria, “Using Legibility to Improve Interactions with Agents during Multi-User Interactions”;
- Miguel Serras Vasco, “Multimodal Representation Learning for Agent Perception and Action”;
- Ramona Merhej, “Multi-agent reinforcement learning under wealth inequality and diversity in risk”;
- Silvia Bogéa Gomes, “Digital Transformation Ontology”;
- Silvia Tulli, “Explanation-Guided Learning for Human-AI Partnership”;
- Tomás Almeida e Silva Martins Alves, "Towards Personality-Aware Information Visualization Systems".
We wish you all the best of luck and a wonderful 2024!