Técnico alumni event focused on the debate of artificial intelligence
ChatGPT stole the spotlight and participated in an “unmoderated conversation” between Arlindo Oliveira, Madalena Talone and Vasco Pedro.

The 1st edition of the Unmoderated Conversations, on the topic “Artificial Intelligence: evolution or revolution”, was attended by Arlindo Oliveira, Professor at Computer Science and Engineering Department at Técnico and INESC-ID researcher, and the alumni Madalena Talone and Vasco Pedro, Executive Board Member at Caixa Geral de Depósitos and CEO of Unbabel, respectively. The event was organised by the Técnico Alumni Association (AAAIST), on 19th April, at 6 p.m. in the Great Hall of Técnico – Alameda Campus.
ChatGPT was the main topic and also a participant in this conversation, along with Arlindo Oliveira, president of INESC (Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores – Investigação e Desenvolvimento). Various topics such as education and human resources were addressed.
According to Vasco Pedro, chatGPT “is an evolution that seems like a revolution”, leading to “AI boom”, explained Arlindo Oliveira. According to the founder of Unbabel, this may relate to the context and interpretation achieved in interactions with that software.
Madalena Talone highlighted the benefits of AI in the banking sector. “AI can provide the reasoning” to the bank’s human interface so that it knows “why the customer was selected for that product” and thus facilitate the sale.
The “social impact of AI has a risk that is hard to perceive”, said Vasco Pedro. Changes can happen in several areas. Tools such as chatGPT “are too powerful” to think that they will not be used by students, pointed out the alumna. In her opinion, this will require that teaching, “more than the technical knowledge”, enhances “students’ critical thinking skills”.
Still on this subject, Rogério Colaço, President of Instituto Superior Técnico, stressed the need to rethink the role of professors and how AI can impact on teaching.
According to Vasco Pedro, customer support will be the area that will most rapidly undergo transformations, as human resources will become less necessary, by the use of AI.
The event ended with a speech by Ana Dias, president of AAAIST, calling on everyone to contribute to the AAAIST solidarity fund, which aims to award the largest possible number of scholarships to Técnico students in the next academic year.