The Xpand IT Educação Scholarships continue to support LEIC students

On November 29th, the signing ceremony for the XPAND IT - Educação scholarship contracts took place in the José Tribolet room (Pavilion of Computer Science II).
The event was attended by Professor Alexandre Francisco, Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Instituto Superior Técnico; Professor Miguel Correia, President of DEI; Professor Nuno Mamede, Coordinator of LEIC-A; Professor Carlos Martinho, Coordinator of LEIC-T and Dr. Marta Alegria, Talent Engagement Manager at XPAND IT. The organization of the ceremony was handled by the Academic Development Unit, represented by Dr. Rita Wahl.
The event took place within the collaboration agreement between Técnico and XPAND IT in the implementation of the "XPAND IT - Educação" Scholarship Program aimed at LEIC students. A special feature of these scholarships is that they include a volunteering experience, which one of the winners highlighted as a unique opportunity to give back.
fIn this edition, we had 1 renewal and 3 new scholarships:
- Bernardo Sousa (renewal)
- Diogo Pinto
- Francisco Heleno
- Pedro Sousa
Congratulations to all!