Did you know that in 2022/23, DEI had 13323 registrations distributed across 114 Curricular Units from its Scientific Areas?

DEI has five Scientific Areas: Architectures and Operating Systems; Artificial Intelligence; Graphics and Interaction; Programming Methodology and Technology and Information Systems. It was through these Scientific Areas that DEI offered 114 Curricular Units (UCs) in the academic year 2022/2023. This resulted in 13323 registrations, with a total of 3513 enrolled students. The data provided below not only shows the diversity of UC offered by DEI but also the attractiveness of these units to students pursuing Curricular Plans that do not belong to DEI.
Regarding Bachelor's degrees, there were 7870 registrations, of which 791 were made by students from Curricular Plans not affiliated with DEI. The UC with the highest number of registrations was Foundations of Programming with 752 registrations.
Master's degrees totaled 5320 registrations in DEI UCs. Of these registrations, 963 were made by students from Curricular Plans outside of DEI. In the Master's courses, the UC offered by DEI (excluding Final Project and Dissertation) with the highest number of registrations was Communication Skills I, with 217 registrations.
In Advanced Studies Diplomas, there were 92 registrations in DEI UCs, including 10 registrations by students from Curriculum Plans not affiliated with DEI. In this case, the UC offered by DEI with the most registrations (23) was Research Topics.
Isolated Curricular Units had a total of 36 registrations. In this context, the UCs with the most registrations were Foundations of Programming (5) and Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures (5).
As for Integrated Master's programs, there were 5 registrations in DEI UCs.
All information regarding Curricular Units (ECTS, workload, objectives, program, etc.) offered by DEI, as well as the curriculum plans in which they were active, is available here.
All data was obtained through the Fénix system.