Did you know... in 2023/24, 32.05% of the students of the Master in Computer Science and Engineering came from regions outside the Lisbon Metropolitan Area?

The Master in Computer Science and Engineering (MEIC) is one of the largest Master's programs at Técnico. In the current academic year, MEIC has 704 active students (enrolled and registered in at least one Course Unit). MEIC operates in the Alameda (529 students) and Taguspark (175 students) campuses.
Annually, Higher Education Institutions hold admission contests for the 2nd Cycle (CIA2C) for students with Portuguese nationality or from European Union countries.
In the CIA2C contest for the current academic year, 2023/24, MEIC offered 57 slots for MEIC-A (Alameda) and 32 slots for MEIC-T (Taguspark).
We analyzed the geographical origin (NUTS) of students who joined MEIC in 23/24 through the mentioned contest. For this analysis, we used the "Permanent Residence" field of these new students.
NUTS II | Student % |
North | 2,56% |
Center | 17,95% |
Lisbon Metropolitan Area | 67,95% |
Alentejo | 5,13% |
Algarve | 5,13% |
Azores Autonomous Region | - |
Madeira Autonomous Region | - |
The majority of students have permanent residence in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (67.95%). The Center Region of Portugal represents the second-largest with 17.95% of students. It is noteworthy that 1.28% of students have permanent residence in a European Union country.
All information about the Master's in Computer Science and Computer Engineering can be found here.