Professor Arlindo Oliveira participated in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation conference "Inteligência Artificial: Que Humanidade?"

On May 30th, the DEI Professor gave a lecture on Large Language Models (LLMs) at the Auditorium 2 of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, as part of the conference "Inteligência Artificial: Que Humanidade?".

Recently, sophisticated language models like ChatGPT have brought this topic (LLMs) and other related topics to the forefront of public attention due to their predictable economic, social, and philosophical impacts. What will be the consequences of their development for the future of humanity?

Professor Arlindo Oliveira presents fundamental concepts to understand the evolution in this field, discusses current challenges and those in the near future, as well as speculations about a future that we believe is more distant.

The entire conference can be watched here.
