Visit from Escola Secundária Alcaides Faria

This Friday we received a group of 40 students from Escola Secundária Alcaides Faria, in Barcelos.
Their visit started with an institutional presentation from Núcleo de Apoio ao Estudante (NAPE) and then Prof. Sofia Pinto, responsible for the Communication and External Relations @ DEI welcomed the group and briefly talked about LEIC and their existence in our two campuses.
Then students had the opportunity to contact with 4 research projects in the Computer Science and Engineering area presented by our students Margarida Serralheiro, from our Doctoral Program Doutoral in Computer Science and Engineering, Gonçalo Rodrigues our alumni who is now a researcher at INESC-ID, Tómas Gomes e Guilherme Limado currently students at our Master in Computer Science and Engineering.