The presence of DEI at SINFO was a success!

DEI participated in SINFO 32 today, the 17th of February, with the panel "A engenharia informática do Técnico na vanguarda da inteligência artificial”.

The event featured the presence of DEI President, Professor Ana Teresa Freitas; André Martins, DEI Professor and co-Director of the ELLIS Program in Natural Language Processing; Arlindo Oliveira, DEI Professor and Coordinator of the Comité de Acompanhamento Especializado da Agência Nacional de IA and Inês Lynce, DEI Professor and President of the Board of Directors of INESC-ID. The panel was moderated by Engineer Sara Sá from the Communications and Outreach Office of INESC-ID.  

The discussion highlighted DEI’s and its graduates' readiness to tackle the challenges posed by contemporary technological advancements, with a special focus on the current landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI). A global perspective on the AI “race” was also explored.  

With curiosity sparked by the conversation, time proved too short for all the audience’s questions at the end.
