The DEI will be present at SINFO 32

SINFO 32, which will take place at the Técnico Innovation Center (TIC) from the 17th to the 21st of February, will feature the participation of DEI.

The Semana Informática do Instituto Superior Técnico (SINFO) is the largest free technology event in Portugal, organized exclusively by students. Its mission is to connect industry representatives, professionals and students in computer science and technology. Participants will have the opportunity to attend talks by renowned speakers from various fields, follow thematic panels, visit the job fair, and network.  

DEI will be represented in a panel discussion titled "A engenharia informática do Técnico na vanguarda da inteligência artificial", featuring the following DEI Professors:

  • Ana Teresa Freitas (DEI President)
  • André Martins (DEI Professor and ELLIS Program in Natural Language Processing co-Director)
  • Arlindo Oliveira (DEI Professor and Coordinator of the Comité de Acompanhamento Especializado da Agência Nacional de IA)
  • Inês Lynce (DEI Professor and President of the Board of Directors of INESC-ID)
  • Moderator: Sara Sá (Communications and Outreach Office, INESC-ID)

The panel will take place on Monday, the 17th of February, at 12:00 PM, at TIC, in Arco do Cego.

More information about the SINFO 32 sessions can be found here:

(image: SINFO)
