Técnico coordinates European project on Locative Games for Cultural Heritage

DEI’s Associate professor Valentina Nisi, with co-Pi professor Nuno Nunes, will coordinate the European project Locative Games for Cultural Heritage.

LoGaCulture brings together european leading academics and cultural institutions with the purpose of exploring how the creation of a new generation of games can benefit society through the interaction with specific places and their cultural heritage.

The Portuguese case will be represented by the islands of the Madeira archipelago, a special region due to its isolation, but also for its richness in biodiversity and natural resources. This project will try to promote a deeper understanding of natural and cultural heritage as an integrated system and the basis for a management of tourist destinations that are both biodiversity conservation sites and highly dependent on tourism.

Starting from the concept "Nature as Culture", a game linked to popular natural hotspots but also to endemic fauna will be created, implemented and evaluated. It is intended to be accessible to tourists and locals, in order to increase their connection to nature and promote a more ecological behavior.
