Professor Arlindo Oliveira lectured at the Assembleia da República

Professor Arlindo Oliveira, Professor at DEI, gave a talk at the 2nd edition of the Lisbon Conferences of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA) about "Understanding Artificial Intelligence and its Impact in the OSCE Region".
The event took place on the 20th of May in the Sala do Senado of the Assembleia da República and was attended by the Presidente da Assembleia da República, José Pedro Aguiar-Branco, the President of the OSCE PA, Pia Kauma, the President of the Portuguese Delegation to the OSCE PA, Paula Cardoso and the Secretary-General of the OSCE, Helga Schmid.
This initiative aimed to foster dialogue to identify the legal, ethical, and human rights challenges associated with the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and to explore political frameworks and new avenues for international cooperation to effectively harness the potential and minimize the threats posed by AI technologies.
More information HERE.
(images: OSCE PA)