DEI courses with a 100% occupancy rate in the 1ª Fase do Concurso Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Superior

The two Licenciatura programs offered by DEI, Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores - Alameda (LEIC-A) and Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores - TagusPark (LEIC-T) have filled all available slots in the 1ª Fase do Concurso Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Superior 2023/2024.
According to the preliminary results of the 1ª Fase do Concurso Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Superior, LEIC-A had the highest number of applications (891), followed by LEIC-T (567). A total of 183 slots were filled in LEIC-A and 90 in LEIC-T.
It's noteworthy that LEIC-A was the Licenciatura with the most applicants at IST, and out of 183 admitted students, 176 chose this Licenciatura as their first choice. LEIC-A also achieved the third highest minimum admission score (179.5) within IST, and nationally, it's the Licenciatura in the field of computer science and engineering with the highest minimum admission score. This course is also in the top 10 of the highest 'entry averages' in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
It's also important to highlight that the Licenciatura em Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Informática (LETI), in which DEI plays a significant role, also filled all available spots in the 1ª Fase do Concurso Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Superior 2023/2024, with 221 candidates competing for 55 slots.
These are undoubtedly impressive results that make us all pride and reward the entire DEI community on their own.
Wishing everyone, especially our new students, an excellent academic year ahead.