25 years of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DEI)

On April 20th, the 25th anniversary of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DEI) of Instituto Superior Técnico was celebrated.

To mark the occasion, teachers and staff gathered at the Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear for a day of sharing, analysis and celebration.
Throughout the day, topics of general interest were presented in the auditorium of the Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, such as the current characterization of the department through facts and figures or the efficiency and effectiveness in teaching. There was also room for debate and the exchange of ideas, namely through the opinions of the most recent members of the department or some of the DEI's PhD graduates.

In a more festive way, a cake specially created for the occasion was shared and a general toast to the department was made.

Congratulations DEI!

Note: you can learn a little more about the creation of the DEI here.
