Shine Bytes: outstanding students in Computer Science and Engineering

In this edition of Shine Bytes we interview Raquel Rodrigues, winner of the Prémio de Mérito NTT DATA em Aprendizagem 2024/2025.

Tell us a little about yourself and your journey at IST

My name is Raquel Rodrigues, I am 20 years old, and I am a Computer Science and Engineering student currently in the third year of my Bachelor's degree. Even in high school, I dreamed of studying at Técnico, so I consider myself very lucky to be able to say that this is my university. In my second year, I joined the Software department of PSEM, a student group, and at the moment, I am in the process of deciding which courses I want to take in my Master's degree, which I also intend to pursue in Computer Science and Engineering.

What did winning this competition mean to you personally?

Winning this award together with my colleague Leonor Figueira was an indescribable reward that reflected the tireless work we put in over several weeks. As a student who has always strived to do her best in everything, this recognition is proof of that and shows that the time and effort we invest in our education truly pay off.

On the other hand, besides being a great learning opportunity and pushing us out of our comfort zone, it will be a valuable addition to my résumé, contributing to my academic progression.

Why are awards like this important?

I believe the importance of these awards lies in recognizing students' potential and the challenge itself, which encourages us to put into practice what we have learned in class and take a step further. For those who accept the challenge, the experience always proves to be valuable due to its demands on both technical skills and soft skills (as the final stage of this award involves delivering a presentation to the Jury), making it an excellent opportunity for growth.  

On another level, I believe it also helps spark students' enthusiasm for the field in which they will eventually work, where competitiveness will be a key factor.

In your opinion (aside from awards ;) ), what can and should be done to attract more women to science?

From my perspective, if we want to attract more women to science, we need to ensure greater exposure to this field from an early age, starting in primary and secondary education. For instance, I only began learning programming in the 12th grade, in the subject “Aplicações Informáticas B”, which I consider to be quite late for helping students determine whether they would like to pursue a degree in informatics, especially since it is an optional subject. It is crucial to establish some form of contact with engineering through initiatives like IST’s “Engenharia e Ciência vão à Escola” program or even a school curriculum that includes practical activities designed to make students think: "This could be my future." 

Since this is a male-dominated sector, there tends to be a lower percentage of girls who see a career in this field as appealing, as it is harder to find female role models they can relate to. However, I am certain that by hearing stories of success and excellence from different female students and professionals in this area, more girls will be inspired to follow in their footsteps. That is why I believe it is truly important to recognize and share these achievements and testimonies. Eventually, this will create a snowball effect, leading to a more balanced representation in the field.

Do you have any advice for future female students in Computer Science and Engineering at Técnico?

Give it your best, and you won’t regret a thing. If an opportunity or challenge arises outside your comfort zone, face it—even if you feel afraid or uncertain—because if you never try, you’ll never get anywhere. On the other hand, if you do try, you will always come away with a new experience that contributes to your personal and academic growth, even if things don’t turn out exactly as you expected.  

Additionally, I advise you to surround yourselves with people who have similar goals, who inspire you to improve and push further. At the same time, don’t neglect your health and well-being; it’s essential to find a balance between academic and personal life.  

That being said, never forget: above all, always believe in yourselves.
