Prémio de Mérito Sky em Algoritmos para Lógica Computacional 2023/2024
The student Javier de Muller Santa-María received the Prémio de Mérito Sky em Algoritmos para Lógica Computacional 2023/2024 Award in the amount of €1535, on April 23, 2024.

The award ceremony took place at the Alameda Campus, with the presence of Professor Pedro Amaral, Vice-President for Business Interface, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Pedro Sousa, Head of Metadata & Syndication na Sky, Professor Cláudia Antunes, Vice-President for Faculty and Researchers at DEI, Professor Pedro Monteiro, Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering, and Professor Vasco Manquinho, Responsible for the Curricular Unit.
During the event, DEI also received a 1025€ donation from Sky for initiatives aiming to improve teaching quality.