Prémio de Mérito Académico Jerónimo Martins em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores 2022/2023

The Prémio de Mérito Académico Jerónimo Martins em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores 2022/2023 was awarded on the 21st of February.
The award aims to distinguish the best dissertation from the Master's in Computer Science and Engineering in the previous academic year. For this purpose, five candidates presented a pitch on the topics they worked on before a jury, followed by a brief discussion.
Unlike the previous year, which had only one winner, this edition awarded three competitors. Miguel Monteiro was the winner with the theme "Explode.js: A Library of Queries to Detect Injection Vulnerabilities in Node.js Applications". The prize received was 1800€. The second place (900€) went to Rúben Inácio for his work on “Exploiting Graph Neural Networks for jet identification in LHC experiments”. Candidate João Oliveira obtained the third position, with a prize of 450€ for his work on “HawkSet: An Automatic, Agnostic, and Efficient Concurrent PM Bug Detection Tool”.
The other participants were André Salgado with the theme "CSA-MEM: Enhancing Circular DNA Multiple Alignment through Text Indexing Algorithms" and Leonor Veloso, with the thesis "TRANSdutor: A Rewriting Approach for Gender Inclusivity in Portuguese".
Furthermore, a donation of 1200€ was made to DEI for the improvement of teaching and learning conditions.