The Prémio de Mérito Celfocus em Engenharia de Software 2023/2024 was awarded

On the 26th of June, the selection and presentation of the Prémio de Mérito Celfocus em Engenharia de Software 2023/2024 took place. The event was held in the Meeting Room of the Central Building on the Alameda Campus.
For the award, within the scope of the Software Engineering course, 2 teams are selected and invited to present a pitch. The presentation that stands out the most, after the jury's questioning, is chosen as the winner.
This year, the participating students were Carlos António Capitão Felgueiras and Daniel Filipe Matias Carvalho (Grupo Carlos e Daniel) and Eduardo Diogo Francisco Nazário and Beatriz Duarte Ruivo de Sancho Gavilan (Grupo 14-CA). In the end, the jury chose the Grupo Carlos e Daniel as the winner.
On the occasion, a donation was also made to the DEI for the improvement of the quality of education.
Present as jury members were Professor António Rito Silva, Professor João Ferreira, and Engineer André Santos from Celfocus. Engineer Nuno Santos, Director of Software Engineering at Celfocus, was also present at the ceremony.