Insignia Award Ceremony for the Emeritus Professors of ULisboa, 29th of October, 5 PM

The ceremony for awarding insignia to the Emeritus Professors of ULisboa will take place on the 29th of October at 5:00 PM, in the Salão Nobre of the Pavilhão Central of the Alameda campus.
We look forward to your presence.
17.00 - Opening of the formal session by the President of Instituto Superior Técnico, Professor Rogério Colaço
17.05 - Welcome by the Chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DEI), Professor Miguel Pupo Correia
17.15 - Presentation of the honorees by Professor Arlindo Oliveira
17.25 - Award of the title of Professor Emeritus by the Magnificent Rector of the University of Lisbon
17.30 - Address by Professor José Manuel Tribolet
17.40 - Address by Professor João Pavão Martins
17.50 - Address by Professor José Alves Marques
18.00 - Address by the Magnificent Rector of the University of Lisbon
18.10 - Cocktail