Wednesdays@DEI: Talks, 27-03-2024

This week we will have a double session to present the PRR

Author and Affiliation: Filipa Correia, Assistant Researcher at Interactive Technologies Institute

Bio: Filipa Correia received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Lisbon, Portugal, in 2021. She is currently a tenure-track assistant researcher at the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI-LARSYS). Her multidisciplinary research tackles the intersection of robotics, computer science and social psychology. In the past, she was a teaching assistant in the courses of Artificial Intelligence, Multi-Agents Systems, Society and Computing, and Social Robots & Human-Robot Interaction at the Computer Science Department of IST. She also participated in two EU projects, EMOTE and iv4XR. Filipa has several scientific contributions in top-tier venues of robotics and artificial intelligence (e.g., RSS, AAMAS, IROS, HRI) and her work has been widely acknowledged by the scientific community especially within the topics of human-robot multiparty interactions and human-robot teamwork.

Title: The Effects of Observing Robotic Ostracism on Children's Prosociality and Basic Needs

Abstract: This paper provides the first exploration of robotic ostracism with children. We conducted a study using the Robotic Cyberball Paradigm in a third-person perspective with a sample of 52 children aged between five to ten years old. The experimental results revealed that children who observed exclusion reported lower levels of belonging and control, and exhibited higher prosocial behaviour than those witnessing inclusion. However, no differences were found in children's meaningful existence, self-esteem, and physical proximity across conditions. Our user study provides important methodological considerations for applying the Robotic Cyberball Paradigm with children. The results extend previous literature on both robotic ostracism with adults and interpersonal ostracism with children. We finish discussing the broader implications of children observing ostracism in human-robot interactions.

Author and Affiliation: Beatrice Maggipinto, PhD student at the CMU Portugal dual Degree

Bio: Beatrice Maggipinto is a PhD student at the CMU Portugal dual Degree. She is currently the eGames CMU liaison. She is a Researcher, Creative Director & Game Designer at the Centre for Transformational Play at CMU and a member at ITI- LARSyS, working in collaboration with Yanick Trindade, Game Designer at the eGames Lab.

Title: Echo of the Abyss: Understanding More-than-human Interconnectedness in the Deep Sea Through Virtual Reality Experiences
Abstract: In this presentation, we introduce the design of Echo of the Abyss, a Virtual Reality (VR) experience that uses animal guides and immersive environments to cultivate a sense of kinship towards marine life. It emphasizes the impact of design elements in creating a feeling of interconnectedness and in challenging mainstream perceptions of the deep sea, such as feelings of alienness and fear. Our approach offers design strategies aimed at increasing a feeling of safety and reflecting on the human and more-than-human bodies' relations in the environment.
