Wednesdays@DEI: Talks, 19-03-2025

Author and Affiliation: Sérgio Guerreiro, DEI, INESC-ID

Title: Digital Transition at IST

Abstract: The presentation will address a set of topics that intersect with the digital transition initiative at Instituto Superior Técnico. As widely recognized in related literature, the success factors of digital transformation - a more commonly used term - are not limited to technological or applicational issues. On the contrary, they are deeply interconnected with organizational, business, and, above all, human factors.  

The general topics to be explored include:  

1. How is digital transition typically defined, and what are the most common challenges?  

2. What are the most frequent recommendations for a successful implementation?  

In the specific context of Instituto Superior Técnico, the topics to be discussed are:  

1. What is the purpose of the digital transition at IST?  

2. What are the fundamental concepts for managing the inherent complexity of this transition?  

3. What methodology should be adopted to manage the business process lifecycle?  

4. What initiatives are currently underway?  

5. Why is the digital transition being orchestrated by IST’s IT services?  

6. What are the main challenges and future perspectives?

(image: UX Indonesia / Unsplash)
