“Portugal 2030 Digital Strategy: AI, Web 3.0, and Data” with 2 Professors from DEI

Included in the 33rd Digital Business Congress, the conference “Portugal 2030 Digital Strategy: AI, Web 3.0, and Data” featured Professors Miguel Correia and Arlindo Oliveira from DEI.
Organized by the Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações (APDC), the 33rd Digital Business Congress took place on the 14th and 15th of May, with the theme "40 years Futurizing" and aimed to inspire discussion about the future of this sector and its impact on the economy and society.
In the panel “Portugal 2030 Digital Strategy: AI, Web 3.0, and Data,” the national strategy for each of the three fields was debated by those who coordinated the respective study teams.
The conference is available HERE (01:45:00+).
(images: APDC)