Celfocus/Novabase rewards students work in Software Engineering
Celfocus/Novabase has rewarded a work carried out by Técnico students in the Software Engineering curricular unit, referring to the 2021/2022 academic year.

At the award ceremony, the Vice-president of Técnico for Operations and Corporate Relationships, professor Pedro Amaral, thanked the students, professors, and Celfocus/Novabase for the Merit Award in Software Engineering, stating “this is always a special moment for everyone involved, for Técnico, students, professors and the company that offers the award”.
“It is always a pleasure to be here and participate in Técnico’s initiatives”, said Álvaro Ferreira, Executive Holding Board Member at Celfocus/Novabase. The Celfocus executive also referred to the company’s main areas of activity – Telecommunications and Financial Services – and reinforced the Celfocus-Técnico relationship: “We will clearly remain closely linked to Técnico”.
The students Afonso Pinto and Sidnei Teixeira (Degree in Computer Science and Engineering), presented the winning project titled “Quizzes Tutor”, an app for management and creation of multiple-choice, open-ended and combined-item questions, developed through the GitHub platform. “We are very happy to see our work recognised “, the students said.
“This is a very difficult project to develop because it involves the learning done throughout the course”, said professor Nuno Lopes, a member of the jury. “We can see the potential of an engineer through this type of project”.