Shine Bytes: outstanding students in Computer Science and Engineering

In this edition of Shine Bytes, we interview Rita Oliveira, awarded one of the E-REDES Top Women Scholarships in 2023.

Tell us a little about yourself and your journey at IST

My name is Rita Teresa Marmelo Castro Oliveira, and I started LEIC-A at Instituto Superior Técnico in September 2018. Computer Science and Engineering was my first choice in the application process. I completed all the undergraduate courses without the need for any retakes, and I always eagerly anticipated the release of project statements on Fénix. That initial reading of a new project was always highly anticipated and engaging. I Continued into the master's program in the same field obviously since I felt more dedicated and fascinated by this area every day. In the master's program, I also did not have to repeat any courses, and, like in the undergraduate program, I achieved honors. Of course, all of this required significant dedication and determination, but I would do it all over again without hesitation.

For specializations, I chose   Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity areas. My thesis focused on an intriguing topic in Human Language Technology, one of the areas of Artificial Intelligence, which was carried out in collaboration with INESC-ID and Unbabel. As an extracurricular activity, I have a project that I founded and of which I am very proud, the nowIknow Project. The nowIknow Project is an educational training and information initiative where I provide selected, free, and referenced educational resources. It consists of three branches: NowIKnow.EnsinoSuperior, SNN-SecundárioNaNet, and EscolaFIXE.

What did winning this award personally mean to you?

Winning this award is to feel the recognition from a company for all my hard work and dedication to Computer Science and Engineering. It's a "it was worth it" kind of feeling!

Why are awards like this important?

These awards are important as a form of encouragement for other women to pursue STEM careers, as everything indicates that in the future (and already in the present), a large portion of jobs will be connected to these areas.

In your opinion (aside from awards ;) ), what can and should be done to attract more women to science?

I believe there are several ways to encourage careers in STEM, but I highlight three that I think can make a difference. The first is to spark interest in younger individuals in a fun and practical way for STEM disciplines, starting at a very early age. Another is through scholarship programs. The third is through female role models in the profession in leadership positions.

Do you have any advice for future female students in Computer Science and Engineering at Técnico?

Balancing mental health and work is extremely important. I can speak from my own experience; I plan everything. I plan the day, the week, the month... the academic year. A plan doesn't have to be followed strictly, but it is crucial to guide us. As soon as I have my schedule set, I create a general plan for the semester. Then, I adjust it as changes arise. In Computer Science and Engineering, we have many projects, so another crucial point is to know the deadlines as soon as possible, allowing for a methodical and well-thought-out organization.
