Wednesdays@DEI: Talks, 31-01-2024

Na próxima 4ª feira, dia 31 de janeiro, teremos duas talks no âmbito do processo de scouting.

Autor e vínculos: XXX

Bio: XXX

Título: Cryptography in a quantum world

Abstract: XXX


Autor e vínculos: Diego Nehab, Researcher and architect at Cartesi

Bio: Diego Nehab has a PhD in Computer Science from Princeton University, 2007 (adv. Szymon Rusinkiewicz) and worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Microsoft Research 2008–2010 (adv. Hugues Hoppe). He worked at IMPA as assistant professor 2010–2014, then as associate professor 2015–2021. In 2018, he was one of the founders of Cartesi, where he currently works as a researcher. He has over 30 publications in top journals and conferences.

Título: A "demo reel" of research

Abstract: In this talk, I will present an overview and highlights from my work in computer science, particularly in computer graphics. Given the length of my career (over 20 years), the short presentation format, and the diverse background in the audience, I will try to keep each topic self-contained, brief, and generally interesting. Much like a "demo reel".
