DEI at Wednesdays: Talks, 30-03-2022
Sabrina Scuri, (ITI, LARSys, IST)
Title: Hitting the Triple Bottom Line: Widening the HCI Approach to Sustainability (paper accepted to the HCI'2022)
Abstract: Sustainable Development (SD) in its dimensions – environment, economy, and society – is a growing area of concern within the HCI community. Our article advances a systematic literature review on sustainability across the Sustainable Human-Computer Interaction (SHCI) body of work. The papers were classified according to the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) framework to understand how the pillars of SD play into the HCI discourse on sustainability. The economic angle was identified as a gap in SHCI literature. To meet the TBL of SD, however, a balance needs to be sought across all 'lines'. We propose that HCI can advance the discussion and the understanding of the economic concepts around sustainability through taking a sociology perspective on the economic angle of the TBL. We sustain this claim by discussing economic concepts and the role that digital can play in redefining the established foundations of our economic system.
Bio: Sabrina Scuri holds a Ph.D. degree in Design from the Polytechnic University of Milan, awarded with honors in 2017. In the fall of 2017, she joined the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI) as a postdoctoral fellow. At ITI, a large portion of her research has been conducted under the H2020 SMILE project - which demonstrates a set of smart-grid technologies on 3 European islands – and the RELIABLE project, aimed at the development of a public geographic dashboard with real-time information on health risk during Extreme Weather Events. Her expertise resides at the intersection of interaction design, user experience, and sustainable HCI. Her current research interests include energy education, smart energy management systems, Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), and more in general, technology adoption and use.