DEI at Wednesdays: Talks, 20-04-2022

Helena Mentis (Univ. Maryland)
Title: Crafting the Image in Surgery

Abstract: Recent years have seen a growth in the possibilities of new imaging and interaction technologies in surgery. With these new technologies, a new practice is instantiated in creating a view of the body for the surgeons to work with. In this talk, I discuss the productive and cross-referential nature of surgical practice and image use. I will present findings from imaging interaction practices in a wide array of surgeries and from the design and deployment of imaging interaction systems including gestural interaction devices and AR HMD systems. Drawing on observations and analysis of the work around and through the images, I examine how the surgeons craft a view in order to facilitate the co-construction of knowledge and shared decision making. I use these findings to discuss further design directions for intraoperative image interaction as well as surgical telemedicine.

Bio: Helena is a professor in the Department of Information Systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Generally, her research contributes to the fields ofhuman-computer interaction (HCI), computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), and health informatics. She investigates situated communication and collaboration practices in healthcare, and, in turn, develops and deploys new mechanisms for collaboratively sensing, presenting, and interacting with information. Specifically, her work has included surgical telemedicine systems to support surgeon remote collaboration and education, movement sensor systems for Parkinson’s patients to see and discuss activity and bodily experience with their healthcare providers, and browser plugins for those with dementia to negotiate online safety with their partners, among others. She conducts her research through a sociotechnical lens – one in which we cannot extricate technical systems from ‘being in the world’.
