GameDev among the winners of the 8th Edition of the TecInnov Santander Competitions

On March 15th, the ceremony for the 8th edition of the TecInnov Santander Competitions Awards took place at the Sala de Reuniões of the Pavilhão Central on the Alameda campus. Several student nuclei were honored at the event, including GameDev Técnico.

The Contest for the Support of the Development of Innovative Ideas at Instituto Superior Técnico (TecInnov) is an initiative that brings together IST and various partners aiming to develop a strategy to promote value creation within its entire academic community, focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship as catalysts for technology transfer and enhancing the economic valorization of the recognized quality of research and training it offers.

Original news HERE.

(The used images are of Victor Carreira / Técnico)
